Psycho-Oncology: Discover How Stress Causes Cancer
Phase 1 of Cancer: Inescapable Shock
Phase 2 of Cancer: Adrenaline Depletion
Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus
Phase 4 of Cancer: Niacin Deficiency
Phase 5 of Cancer: Vitamin C Depletion
Phase 6 of Cancer: Immune Suppression
Lothar Hirneise is a knowledgeable advocate and writer who spent years traveling and searching for the most successful cancer therapies. The following is an excerpt from one of his extensive lectures.
Lothar Hirneise:—"In the last few years I have interviewed several hundred so-called final stage so-called survivors, meaning patients who were in the final stage of cancer and who are all healthy again today. And already after, let me say 50 patients, did it become rather clear to me, what was actually going on here. Very simple, there are three points: 1. One point, which I discovered with 100% of all survivors, is the energy work. I will come back to that. 2. In approximately, hmm - I will say 80% of all patients, I found a nutritional change. 3. And in at least 60% of all patients did I find intensive detoxification therapies.
If anyone says there is no cancer diet, give him my telephone number. That is a lie. I have shaken the hands of many people, who, thanks to an extreme dietary change became well. And if anyone comes, any of these much too clever professors and goes "Cancer diets are nonsense", send him to me. I can prove the opposite. I have collected enough cases and I know these patients personally. When we talk of nutrition, we naturally also talk about getting energy. We must understand that we have three ways and means of getting energy into our bodies.
1. The first means is the light. Light is naturally our number 1 source of energy. Of that I am 100% sure.
2. The second way is organic nutrition. I emphasize the word organic, of course, because it is of no avail to eat this hamburger stodge. Because there is nothing in it anymore. On the contrary, when you eat this, you lose energy every time, which you then have to compensate for.
3. Either through going out into the light, or through a third possibility which you have, can you let energies flow into your body, namely your thoughts. Think about the last time that you were in love. Maybe some time has gone by since then but you can surely remember it. My goodness, how we felt, didn't we? Wasn't it fantastic? Yes - but what was it? Did our DNA change? Did our cell respiration change? No, nothing changed. The East Indians would say our chakras were open. Something in our body was open so that the energy that is there could flow again. That is the secret of health, not only to produce energy, but also to let the energy flow. That means our thoughts, our mental-spiritual side is enormously important.
Back to nutrition. Of all nutritional theories that I have investigated, the one in first place is Dr. Johanna Budwig. I had the luck through thousands of so-called coincidences, that she allowed me to investigate all her cases of the last thirty years, and nowhere in the world have I found not even remotely such fantastic cases as with Dr. Budwig. It's phenomenal. People in a coma, who received her so-called Electron Differential Oils (ELDI Oils), and who were only rubbed [massaged] with this oil, did again awake from their coma. They were able to eat again and they walk around normally today. It is simply phenomenal. Therefore, once again, if you don't know Dr Budwig, if you don't know her Oil-Protein Diet, that is the absolute basis of the nutritional therapy for cancer patients.
The second point that I found is detoxification. Detoxification actually covers two points.
1. The first is naturally to avoid toxins and poisons. (Cosmetics, Toothpaste, etc.)
2. And the second point, which naturally belongs to detoxification, is not to add any toxins in future. The most important point is definitely diet. I don't think it needs any further belabouring. That is the absolute point. We poison ourselves today with what we eat. And I think it is better not to eat than all this rubbish that one can buy today.
The other point are the teeth. Here too I believe I don't need to talk much about it, because you all know that (healthy) teeth (and gums) are phenomenally important. Heat is a very, very good way to expel poisons. (See: Fever Therapy and Hyperthermia). All the parasite cleanses, of course. Colon cleansing, ELDI-Oils. People should drink a great lot of water. Trampoline (rebounder) muscle training and out into the light, out into the light. Not only Dr. Budwig, the late professor Julius Hackethal M.D. sent his patients every day into the sun as well. He would say, five minutes on each side, and whenever possible, twice daily. Unfortunately we have this new phenomenon today that the sun is suddenly supposed to be bad for you: it causes skin cancer and all that nonsense. Forget it. We are all children of the light, we need the light. We need no sunburn, with that I agree, but we definitely need light. Go outside. We don't need the sun, we need light. Even if it's raining today go outside. And tell this to your patients. Even when they are in a coma must they be wheeled out. You must go twice daily into the light. (Light from the sun increases Melatonin that fights cancer cells, increases Vitamin D, important for the liver as the master immune system organ and increases the body's energy levels).
I am coming to the most important point: energy work. I divide it into mental and spiritual energy work. What did I discover with cancer patients? Naturally, you begin meditating and reflecting about life, 'Why do I have cancer and what is the purpose of my life, why am I on this earth?', and so on and so forth. But I noticed something else. I call it SYSTEM CHANGE. We all live in Systems. In our marriage, in our house, in our job, etc. Many, many, many of these cancer patients made system jumps. They kicked their husband in the butt and threw him out. They quit their job, they moved, they not only moved their bed, they moved out of their apartment, they went to other countries. Does it mean that you have to do all of these things? I don't know. Quite honestly, I don't know. But I can tell you from my experience, it's just remarkable to what extent people changed their life before they were in a position to get well. Dr. Bodo Kohler wrote in his book about light that he was almost sure that he could heal any cancer patient. How? "I take him by the hand and fly him to an oasis in Africa. Let's see whether the tumor can survive this. Now what happens in an oasis? The sun? - sure, the sun can help. But something else is more important. When you have cancer and you fly to an oasis in Africa you have more or less left all the systems in which you live here. And this makes it difficult for a tumor to survive in your body."
LOTHAR HIRNEISE CONCLUDES: "There is no spontaneous remission, there are only people who positively change their life and regained their health that way." [Courtesy of]
Lothar Hirneise:—"In the last few years I have interviewed several hundred so-called final stage so-called survivors, meaning patients who were in the final stage of cancer and who are all healthy again today. And already after, let me say 50 patients, did it become rather clear to me, what was actually going on here. Very simple, there are three points: 1. One point, which I discovered with 100% of all survivors, is the energy work. I will come back to that. 2. In approximately, hmm - I will say 80% of all patients, I found a nutritional change. 3. And in at least 60% of all patients did I find intensive detoxification therapies.
If anyone says there is no cancer diet, give him my telephone number. That is a lie. I have shaken the hands of many people, who, thanks to an extreme dietary change became well. And if anyone comes, any of these much too clever professors and goes "Cancer diets are nonsense", send him to me. I can prove the opposite. I have collected enough cases and I know these patients personally. When we talk of nutrition, we naturally also talk about getting energy. We must understand that we have three ways and means of getting energy into our bodies.
1. The first means is the light. Light is naturally our number 1 source of energy. Of that I am 100% sure.
2. The second way is organic nutrition. I emphasize the word organic, of course, because it is of no avail to eat this hamburger stodge. Because there is nothing in it anymore. On the contrary, when you eat this, you lose energy every time, which you then have to compensate for.
3. Either through going out into the light, or through a third possibility which you have, can you let energies flow into your body, namely your thoughts. Think about the last time that you were in love. Maybe some time has gone by since then but you can surely remember it. My goodness, how we felt, didn't we? Wasn't it fantastic? Yes - but what was it? Did our DNA change? Did our cell respiration change? No, nothing changed. The East Indians would say our chakras were open. Something in our body was open so that the energy that is there could flow again. That is the secret of health, not only to produce energy, but also to let the energy flow. That means our thoughts, our mental-spiritual side is enormously important.
Back to nutrition. Of all nutritional theories that I have investigated, the one in first place is Dr. Johanna Budwig. I had the luck through thousands of so-called coincidences, that she allowed me to investigate all her cases of the last thirty years, and nowhere in the world have I found not even remotely such fantastic cases as with Dr. Budwig. It's phenomenal. People in a coma, who received her so-called Electron Differential Oils (ELDI Oils), and who were only rubbed [massaged] with this oil, did again awake from their coma. They were able to eat again and they walk around normally today. It is simply phenomenal. Therefore, once again, if you don't know Dr Budwig, if you don't know her Oil-Protein Diet, that is the absolute basis of the nutritional therapy for cancer patients.
The second point that I found is detoxification. Detoxification actually covers two points.
1. The first is naturally to avoid toxins and poisons. (Cosmetics, Toothpaste, etc.)
2. And the second point, which naturally belongs to detoxification, is not to add any toxins in future. The most important point is definitely diet. I don't think it needs any further belabouring. That is the absolute point. We poison ourselves today with what we eat. And I think it is better not to eat than all this rubbish that one can buy today.
The other point are the teeth. Here too I believe I don't need to talk much about it, because you all know that (healthy) teeth (and gums) are phenomenally important. Heat is a very, very good way to expel poisons. (See: Fever Therapy and Hyperthermia). All the parasite cleanses, of course. Colon cleansing, ELDI-Oils. People should drink a great lot of water. Trampoline (rebounder) muscle training and out into the light, out into the light. Not only Dr. Budwig, the late professor Julius Hackethal M.D. sent his patients every day into the sun as well. He would say, five minutes on each side, and whenever possible, twice daily. Unfortunately we have this new phenomenon today that the sun is suddenly supposed to be bad for you: it causes skin cancer and all that nonsense. Forget it. We are all children of the light, we need the light. We need no sunburn, with that I agree, but we definitely need light. Go outside. We don't need the sun, we need light. Even if it's raining today go outside. And tell this to your patients. Even when they are in a coma must they be wheeled out. You must go twice daily into the light. (Light from the sun increases Melatonin that fights cancer cells, increases Vitamin D, important for the liver as the master immune system organ and increases the body's energy levels).
I am coming to the most important point: energy work. I divide it into mental and spiritual energy work. What did I discover with cancer patients? Naturally, you begin meditating and reflecting about life, 'Why do I have cancer and what is the purpose of my life, why am I on this earth?', and so on and so forth. But I noticed something else. I call it SYSTEM CHANGE. We all live in Systems. In our marriage, in our house, in our job, etc. Many, many, many of these cancer patients made system jumps. They kicked their husband in the butt and threw him out. They quit their job, they moved, they not only moved their bed, they moved out of their apartment, they went to other countries. Does it mean that you have to do all of these things? I don't know. Quite honestly, I don't know. But I can tell you from my experience, it's just remarkable to what extent people changed their life before they were in a position to get well. Dr. Bodo Kohler wrote in his book about light that he was almost sure that he could heal any cancer patient. How? "I take him by the hand and fly him to an oasis in Africa. Let's see whether the tumor can survive this. Now what happens in an oasis? The sun? - sure, the sun can help. But something else is more important. When you have cancer and you fly to an oasis in Africa you have more or less left all the systems in which you live here. And this makes it difficult for a tumor to survive in your body."
LOTHAR HIRNEISE CONCLUDES: "There is no spontaneous remission, there are only people who positively change their life and regained their health that way." [Courtesy of]
LOTHAR HIRNEISE: "Dear Puna Wai Ora! I just have been on your web pages and wanted only to say : GREAT - keep on going. Kind regards from the other side of the planet. Lothar Hirneise."
For those patients who are very weak and/or unable to eat, Lothar Hirneise was instructed by Dr. Johanna Budwig to provide the following three treatments: 1. Administer to the patient whole-body massages with ELDI oils and ELDI oil enemas where possible, 2. Administer only juices which are freshly pressed, along with the Budwig mix throughout the day, and 3. Have the patient stay outside in the open air as much as possible (to breathe in all-essential oxygen for the cells, as well as receive exposure to natural light.) Lothar advised a wheelchair-bound 80-year old woman with metastatic liver cancer who had very little energy and had stopped eating and speaking to do the above, and her daughter administered the above protocol. Within 2 weeks she began eating again, and within 4 weeks she was outside gardening and had begun to walk again. According to Lothar this woman was still alive many years later.