Psycho-Oncology: Discover How Stress Causes Cancer
Phase 1 of Cancer: Inescapable Shock
Phase 2 of Cancer: Adrenaline Depletion
Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus
Phase 4 of Cancer: Niacin Deficiency
Phase 5 of Cancer: Vitamin C Depletion
Phase 6 of Cancer: Immune Suppression
DMG is an important tool in boosting the body’s immune system. What is so incredible about DMG is: how quickly it works (within weeks), how safe it is (there are no known side effects), and how affordable it is (less than US$70 for a 2 month high-dose supply). DMG has been shown to consistently increase T cell / CD4 count in those with cancer and HIV by 50%-300% within 2 months of taking DMG. DMG or N-Dimethylglycine is a non-protein amino acid found naturally in animal and plant cells. It is a non-toxic, solid, water-soluble substance, and has been used as a nutritional supplement for 30-40 years.
1. Researchers at Kazan Veterinary Institute (Soviet Union) first began using DMG to restore immune competence to guinea pigs and rabbits exposed to intense X-irradiation in the 1960s.
2. Charles Graber and his team of researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina found that DMG could significantly influence immune function in a number of in-vitro and in-vivo models, and published the following findings in the Journal of Infectious Diseases (1981): 1. DMG invoked a humoral (increased antibody response) in rabbits given a typhoid vaccine, thus demonstrating enhanced B-cell activity. 2. DMG increased T-lymphocyte population in an in-vitro lymphocyte blast transformation test on blood samples of 75 individuals. 3. A double-blind study involving 20 human subjects showed DMG to be effective in stimulating both a humoral (antibody) as well as a cellular-mediated immune response when a Pneumovax vaccine was administered as an immune challenge. Antibody's increased 4.5-fold compared to the control group and Leukocyte Inhibition Factor (LIF) also increased significantly in those given DMG. The research demonstrated that DMG significantly stimulates B-cells to produce higher antibody responses (humoral branch) and to potentiate a greater activity of T-cells and macrophages (cellular immunity branch) - all-important cancer-fighting cells.
3. John W Lawson, PhD, of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Clemson University, found rabbits given DMG together with a typhoid or influenza antigen, produced a 4-fold increase in anti-body's compared to the control rabbits, and showed a 3 to 9 times greater increase in T-cell count, depending on the vaccine challenge used. DMG was also found to cause a 2-fold increase in interferon (IFN) in these rabbits. Interferon is a cytokine, a product of T-lymphocytes, which shows anti-viral and anti-tumor activity. Lawson and his team also used DMG on a number of cells lines, and found as DMG concentrations increased, levels of cytokines, including TNF-a (Tumor Necrosis Factor - Alpha), IL-1 and IL-2 (Interleukin-1 and 2), also increased for these cell lines. This increase in cytokines greatly enhanced immunity to infections as well as increased killing of cancer cells. Dosages of DMG at even 10 times the recommended levels were found to be safe and did not lead to fever or inflammation. Clemson University also carried out a study on mice using DMG against the Melanoma antigen, a highly metastatic form of skin cancer. Primary tumors developed in 70% of the mice in the control group given the melanoma antigen, but not given DMG. None of the mice given DMG (who were also given the melanoma antigen) went on to develop primary tumors.
4. An immune study was carried out by the US Army to test the immune effectiveness of DMG. Bruce Ivins, PhD, at the Medical Institute of Infectious Disease at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, evaluated the effects of DMG on guinea pigs given anthrax. Both groups of guinea pigs were vaccinated against the anthrax virus, while one of these groups was given DMG in addition to the vaccine. When the guinea pigs in both groups were challenged with a potentially lethal dose of virulent anthrax bacilli, 4 out of 9 (44%) of the vaccinated animals in the control group died. Remarkably, 11 out of 11 (100%) of the vaccinated animals given DMG survived, demonstrating an enhanced immunity and enhanced cellular response.
5. The following is a reprint from the 4th edition of the AIDS Control Diet book by Mark Konlee (1992). The AIDS Control Diet book is the forerunner of the current book on How To Reverse Immune Dysfunction: "Early in July (1992), we talked to a man from California who had contacted us...He told us that 3 months earlier, he had doubled his T-cell (CD4) counts from 120 to 240 in one month by taking 800mg daily of DMG. He had been on AZT for one year previous to this with his T-cell (CD4) counts holding steady at about 120. He attributes the increase to DMG. Then, he reportedly told four of his friends about his experiences with DMG. They also tried it and used about 800mg per day (sublingually). Everyone reported a significant increase in T-cell (CD4) counts. One man reportedly went from 45 to 170 in 2 months. Puna Wai Ora Mind-Body Cancer Clinic: To test this claim, we chose a man infected with HIV at random who had a consistently low T-cell count that hovered between 180-240, that had remained between these levels for four years. His last reading before taking DMG was 220. This man took 750mg DMG daily (sublingually) for 6 weeks, then stopped. Two months after he stopped taking DMG, his T-cell count was recorded at 360 by Auckland Hospital - Infectious Disease Unit, a 61% increase.
6. Hans Kugler, PhD, successfully treated his dog Foxie using DMG, who was diagnosed with a large abdominal tumor, possible carcinoma, in 1987. An untrasound and blood tests revealed the tumor was very large and had spread to the liver and kidneys. Kugler put Foxie on a daily regimen of 250mg of DMG daily, as the primary source of treatment. After six weeks the tumor had shrunk to half its original size and continued to decrease until the twelfth week when it was barely noticeable. Later examination revealed the tumor was completely gone, and Foxie had returned to normal health. [Preventative Medicine Up-Date 1990].
2. Charles Graber and his team of researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina found that DMG could significantly influence immune function in a number of in-vitro and in-vivo models, and published the following findings in the Journal of Infectious Diseases (1981): 1. DMG invoked a humoral (increased antibody response) in rabbits given a typhoid vaccine, thus demonstrating enhanced B-cell activity. 2. DMG increased T-lymphocyte population in an in-vitro lymphocyte blast transformation test on blood samples of 75 individuals. 3. A double-blind study involving 20 human subjects showed DMG to be effective in stimulating both a humoral (antibody) as well as a cellular-mediated immune response when a Pneumovax vaccine was administered as an immune challenge. Antibody's increased 4.5-fold compared to the control group and Leukocyte Inhibition Factor (LIF) also increased significantly in those given DMG. The research demonstrated that DMG significantly stimulates B-cells to produce higher antibody responses (humoral branch) and to potentiate a greater activity of T-cells and macrophages (cellular immunity branch) - all-important cancer-fighting cells.
3. John W Lawson, PhD, of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Clemson University, found rabbits given DMG together with a typhoid or influenza antigen, produced a 4-fold increase in anti-body's compared to the control rabbits, and showed a 3 to 9 times greater increase in T-cell count, depending on the vaccine challenge used. DMG was also found to cause a 2-fold increase in interferon (IFN) in these rabbits. Interferon is a cytokine, a product of T-lymphocytes, which shows anti-viral and anti-tumor activity. Lawson and his team also used DMG on a number of cells lines, and found as DMG concentrations increased, levels of cytokines, including TNF-a (Tumor Necrosis Factor - Alpha), IL-1 and IL-2 (Interleukin-1 and 2), also increased for these cell lines. This increase in cytokines greatly enhanced immunity to infections as well as increased killing of cancer cells. Dosages of DMG at even 10 times the recommended levels were found to be safe and did not lead to fever or inflammation. Clemson University also carried out a study on mice using DMG against the Melanoma antigen, a highly metastatic form of skin cancer. Primary tumors developed in 70% of the mice in the control group given the melanoma antigen, but not given DMG. None of the mice given DMG (who were also given the melanoma antigen) went on to develop primary tumors.
4. An immune study was carried out by the US Army to test the immune effectiveness of DMG. Bruce Ivins, PhD, at the Medical Institute of Infectious Disease at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, evaluated the effects of DMG on guinea pigs given anthrax. Both groups of guinea pigs were vaccinated against the anthrax virus, while one of these groups was given DMG in addition to the vaccine. When the guinea pigs in both groups were challenged with a potentially lethal dose of virulent anthrax bacilli, 4 out of 9 (44%) of the vaccinated animals in the control group died. Remarkably, 11 out of 11 (100%) of the vaccinated animals given DMG survived, demonstrating an enhanced immunity and enhanced cellular response.
5. The following is a reprint from the 4th edition of the AIDS Control Diet book by Mark Konlee (1992). The AIDS Control Diet book is the forerunner of the current book on How To Reverse Immune Dysfunction: "Early in July (1992), we talked to a man from California who had contacted us...He told us that 3 months earlier, he had doubled his T-cell (CD4) counts from 120 to 240 in one month by taking 800mg daily of DMG. He had been on AZT for one year previous to this with his T-cell (CD4) counts holding steady at about 120. He attributes the increase to DMG. Then, he reportedly told four of his friends about his experiences with DMG. They also tried it and used about 800mg per day (sublingually). Everyone reported a significant increase in T-cell (CD4) counts. One man reportedly went from 45 to 170 in 2 months. Puna Wai Ora Mind-Body Cancer Clinic: To test this claim, we chose a man infected with HIV at random who had a consistently low T-cell count that hovered between 180-240, that had remained between these levels for four years. His last reading before taking DMG was 220. This man took 750mg DMG daily (sublingually) for 6 weeks, then stopped. Two months after he stopped taking DMG, his T-cell count was recorded at 360 by Auckland Hospital - Infectious Disease Unit, a 61% increase.
6. Hans Kugler, PhD, successfully treated his dog Foxie using DMG, who was diagnosed with a large abdominal tumor, possible carcinoma, in 1987. An untrasound and blood tests revealed the tumor was very large and had spread to the liver and kidneys. Kugler put Foxie on a daily regimen of 250mg of DMG daily, as the primary source of treatment. After six weeks the tumor had shrunk to half its original size and continued to decrease until the twelfth week when it was barely noticeable. Later examination revealed the tumor was completely gone, and Foxie had returned to normal health. [Preventative Medicine Up-Date 1990].
DMG is not advised for pregnant women or nursing mothers and should be used in children under medical supervision. There are no known reports of overdose with DMG. DMG can lead to mild ulceration of the mouth and chalky teeth - these side effects pass after ceasing DMG intake. Rinse with warm salt water after meals and before bedtime to help heal broken areas, ulcers or sores in your mouth. To boost the immune system, it is recommended those with active cancer or HIV take 750mg – 1000mg of DMG daily, sublingually (under the tongue), in between meals for 6 to 8 weeks. This should be taken as 2-3 capsules / tablets three times a day. Those in remission should consider taking 250mg–500mg DMG daily.