Psycho-Oncology: Discover How Stress Causes Cancer
Phase 1 of Cancer: Inescapable Shock
Phase 2 of Cancer: Adrenaline Depletion
Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus
Phase 4 of Cancer: Niacin Deficiency
Phase 5 of Cancer: Vitamin C Depletion
Phase 6 of Cancer: Immune Suppression
MMS or Master Mineral Solution (formerly known as Miracle Mineral Supplement) was invented by Jim Humble and has been used successfully to kill microbes and pathogens within the body, namely in the treatment of Malaria. The cancer fungus [caused by prolonged psycho-emotional stress] is almost universally recognised as the leading cause of cancer throughout the world. This is the reason so many alternative cancer therapies base their treatment on the removal of fungus and parasites. The most notable being the Hulda Clark Parasite Protocol, the Bob Peck Protocol, Rifing, and herbal remedies including Essiac. In the past few years, Jim Humble claims to have cured more than 75,000 untreatable cases of malaria and prolonged the lives of some with HIV / Aids. The basic ingredient of MMS is Sodium Chlorite. When it is activated with an acetate such as vinegar or lemon juice it produces Chlorine Dioxide within the body. This results in oxidation, killing microbes in the process. We conducted a small 'observational study' in December 2008 of 24 participants with cancer to trial MMS for 3 months. Click here to view this study.
Testimonial from her Mum: "Delwyn was originally diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of just 26. It quickly spread to her bones, hips, spine and lung. Her liver was in bad shape also. Four weeks ago she was confined to bed, had to urinate in a glass bottle, and weighed only 45 kg. On October 3rd 2007 was a black day for the family. She had not eaten for 3 days and her Doctor met with the family and said they needed to make a decision as to whether to pull the feed tubes out of her or not. She had 2 - 3 week to live. In emergency hospital, the family had arranged her funeral and cemetery plot. She started on the MMS and 10 days later the cancer markers continued to increase but her strength and energy started to return. She was walking and even drove a short distance around the paddock at her parents Park. It is now November 1st 2007 and her cancer markers are on the way down, falling even 40 points in the past week and still falling (Measuring her CA.15-3 scores). She is driving better than she was 6 months ago. She has no pain, is able to dress herself, her kidneys and liver are in better condition. Is now sleeping and walking better than 4 months ago. Her Doctor saw her last week and simply could not believe how well she looked. She has no pain and has reduced all of her medications. Delwyn and her family acknowledge God’s leading and provision of her treatment and the timing of it all at deaths door. Yes it is early days but she is 6 months ahead of where she was just 4-5 weeks ago. Delwyn has a good diet of vegetable juices, berries and raw foods, which help enormously in keeping her body alkaline as well as nourishing her cells to re-build stronger and healthier. She practices the 8 natural health laws: Nutrient, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in God. There is no doubt that the MMS in this case has been foundational in cleansing the body of pathogens, mould, fungus, viruses and bacteria that have been so prolific and allowing the cancer to grow and spread.
Delwyn's Protocol:
Day 1: 2 drops every 1 hours 6 or 7 times a day
Day 2: 3 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 3: 4 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 4: 5 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 5: 6 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 6: 7 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Still 5 weeks later 7 drops every 1 hour 6-7 times a day. Initially she could not keep anything down, just kept throwing up, juice the drops everything for about 3 days. When she got nausea she would eat a dry biscuit or banana. She has been having fever baths every 2 days raising her temp to 38 deg (bath 41 deg) with half a cup of Bicarbonate of soda. That is basically it. She is now off all medications and doing very well. The diarrhoea and vomiting are good signs that the body is simply eliminating what it does not need." Helen (Delwyn’s Mum) Warrigal Victoria
Delwyn's Protocol:
Day 1: 2 drops every 1 hours 6 or 7 times a day
Day 2: 3 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 3: 4 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 4: 5 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 5: 6 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Day 6: 7 drops every hour 6 or 7 times a day
Still 5 weeks later 7 drops every 1 hour 6-7 times a day. Initially she could not keep anything down, just kept throwing up, juice the drops everything for about 3 days. When she got nausea she would eat a dry biscuit or banana. She has been having fever baths every 2 days raising her temp to 38 deg (bath 41 deg) with half a cup of Bicarbonate of soda. That is basically it. She is now off all medications and doing very well. The diarrhoea and vomiting are good signs that the body is simply eliminating what it does not need." Helen (Delwyn’s Mum) Warrigal Victoria
Testimonial from Von Chillis: "My wife has been diagnosed with enlarged thyroid nodules. From the little research I've done, a very common occurrence in middle aged women. Our family physician immediately recommended the four standard tests to determine what type of lump was in her throat. The thyroid hormone test revealed normal hormone levels in her blood. The radioactive iodine thyroid scan revealed a lump approximately 1 inch in size with tendencies of cancerous (as our doctor explained "A cold spot"). The next test was the ultra-sound. The pathologist explained that he observed three different types of tumour. A liquid filled, a benign lump, and a possible malignant lump. The pathologist immediately performed a needle aspiration to send samples for biopsy. After all that the tests came back "Inconclusive". Our physician then referred her to a general surgeon. It was at this time we came across Jim Humbles' books and MMS. "What the heck" we thought. Ordered some solution, mixed it with some citric acid and water, and began treatment doses. We both started them. She at two drops first and working her way to treatment dose of 15 drops then 15 more after two hours once per day. I immediately began at 10 drops first time. I plan to send an email to Mr Humble because of the results we are seeing. After two days of the small dosage my wife was taking, the lump reduced in size by half. It was no longer hard. She has been on the regime for a week now and the small soft lump is still slowly shrinking. She is now at 10 drops per dose, two doses per two hours, once per day. Can this stuff really work that fast? Coincidence? I don't know. We are planning to visit the General Surgeon in a couple weeks. We are both really excited and hopeful that these nodules are going away. Our physician has told us that it's better to just remove the thyroid (even with inconclusive tests) than to chance the possible cancer spreading. I've read on medical web pages that this type of procedure has a very high success rate but still. If MMS works, why have the thyroid removed and put her on hormone medication for the rest of her life."
Anonymous: "My son introduced a friend (55 y.o.) to MMS - he has an hereditary cancerous bowel condition requiring 6 monthly colonoscopies and diathermy of cancerous polyps (up to 40 each time), and after 3 weeks of MMS (as per protocol) his doctor has declared him to have a “clean bowel” and doesn’t need to see him for at least 2 years. The same man also had a PSA reading, which has increased sharply over the past 12 months, up to the point of recently being scheduled in for surgery for prostate cancer, something he did NOT want to do. After 10 days of MMS, his reading has come down into the normal range, and so amazed his doctor, the doctor has demanded to see all the literature he has on MMS! The patient, of course, is very happy that he didn’t need the operation after the MMS."
Testimonial from Rosemary: "We have a friend who has been fighting a very nasty cancer for the last 8 years. He is a health nut and lives such a clean lifestyle. Recently he submitted to pin-point radiation as a large tumour on his neck was killing him. Then they found a tumour in his lung, which he had removed about 10 weeks ago. Then they found 2 more spots on his lung. He has refused any more scans as he will not be doing chemo or any more medical treatment. He has been on MMS for a few weeks and is looking and feeling so much better. He had some Live blood analysis done and previously the blood showed worms, fibrin and very unhealthy looking blood cells, which were clotting up. Since using MMS the blood looks clear of worms, the cells look plump, healthy & normal. He didn't know if these tests were accurate, so had it done by 3 different practitioners. They all got the same results. One of his other cancer friends was given 2 weeks to live, has been on the MMS for a few weeks and has gone from bed-ridden to back to driving her car! So, it sounds very exciting."
Testimonial from Jim Humble (MMS Inventor): “My friend next door has just overcome a small melanoma cancer on his arm. I mentioned that he was taking larger doses at 25 drops per dose. (I do not necessarily recommend doses that high, but do what works). In any case he had already checked with his doctor to confirm it was actually a melanoma. After only a week of taking the MMS, the melanoma began to have a white ring around it and it then became smaller and smaller until after about two weeks it was gone. That is, at least we could not see it any more and there was no longer any sore feeling. On a small cancerous sore on the back of my hand that would not go away for over a year, I put one drop of MMS mixed with 3 drops of lemon juice, and as usual waited 3 minutes and then added 2 drops of DMSO. It immediately felt like someone had put a blow-torch on my hand. But the pain was gone in 3 minutes. A large brown spot appeared much larger than the small sore. I put Vaseline and a bandage on it and in 2 days the entire brown spot fell off leaving a large gaping hole. I put more Vaseline on it and another bandage and in 4 days it healed completely up and did not even leave a scar.”
When taking MMS, large numbers of pathogens (parasites, viruses, microbes) are destroyed and releasing large amounts of toxins very quickly into the body, however, this commonly over-burdens the liver and leaves the individual filled with deadly toxins. Although nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, and herxing (dizziness, tiredness, fever, etc) are considered a positive sign when taking MMS, as this indicates pathogens are being destroyed in the body, you can reduce the intensity of these "positive" side-effects by detoxing regularly before and during ingesting MMS. Therefore it is important to have a detox plan to help rid the body of these toxins whilst you are taking MMS. You should do a liver cleanse, and kidney cleanse, and colon cleanse – before MMS and during. Fever therapy [in your bath] is an excellent way to detox the body, as Delwyn did in the earlier testimonial. Consider doing this every 2nd day or at least once a week. You may also like to see your naturopath who will help guide you to detoxify your body and organs, mainly liver, safely throughout your MMS treatment.
Before taking MMS, you must understand how to prepare it first. We recommend you read the free book by inventor Jim Humble, which you can download by going to []. This book documents the many thousands of patients cured using MMS (mainly Malaria and HIV / Aids) and explains in detail how MMS works within the body to achieve a pathogen-free environment to overcome disease.