Psycho-Oncology: Discover How Stress Causes Cancer
Phase 1 of Cancer: Inescapable Shock
Phase 2 of Cancer: Adrenaline Depletion
Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus
Phase 4 of Cancer: Niacin Deficiency
Phase 5 of Cancer: Vitamin C Depletion
Phase 6 of Cancer: Immune Suppression
The Cancer Healing Guide will help you take the first step in healing the root psycho-emotional cause of cancer, by guiding you through the simple process of journaling and releasing toxic negative emotions in the written form. Simply follow the tasks below and be as honest as you can. During the course of your writing, you will likely feel a strong and sometimes overwhelming surge of negative emotions. This is normal and a sign of healing. In fact the stronger the surge, the greater the release of toxic negative emotions.
Write a 1 page summary that describes intimately the relationship you had as a child with your mother. [Typical of the cancer personality is the long-standing tendency to suppress toxic emotions, particularly anger. Usually starting in childhood, this individual has held in his or her hostility and other unacceptable emotions. More often than not, this feature of the affected personality has its origins in feelings of rejection by one or both parents. Whether these feelings of rejection are justified or not, the individual perceives this rejection as real, and this results in a lack of closeness with the “rejecting” parent, followed later in life by a lack of closeness with spouses and others with whom close relationships would normally develop.]
Write a 1 page summary on what you do/did like about your mother. It does not matter if your mother is living or has passed. If you have two mothers, a birth mother and adopted mother, then do one for each.
Write a 1 page summary on what you do/did not like about your mother. Try to be as brutally honest as you can. If your mother is living or has passed, she will want you to be honest so you can heal.
If there were one thing you wanted to get off your chest and say to your mother - and it was the last thing you could ever say - what's the one thing you'd really like to say to your mother? [In a paragraph.]
Write a 2-3 page letter to your mother telling her how you feel about her. Express to your mother how you really feel about her at your deepest level; not just if you love her, but if you have anger towards her, feel any guilt or hurt, or have felt rejected by her in anyway. [Keep this letter private and do not send it.]
Write a 1 page summary describing intimately the relationship you had as a child with your father. [As mentioned, feelings of rejection by one or both parents is a common trait among those with cancer.]
Write a 1 page summary on what you do/did like about your father. It does not matter if your father is living or has passed. If you have two fathers, a birth father and adopted father, then do one for each.
Write a 1 page summary on what you do/did not like about your father. Try to be as brutally honest as you can. If your father is living or has passed, he will want you to be honest so you can heal.
If there were one thing you wanted to get off your chest and say to your father - and it was the last thing you could ever say - what's the one thing you'd really like to say to your father? [In a paragraph.]
Write a 2-3 page letter to your father telling him how you feel about him. Express to your father how you really feel about him at your deepest level; not just if you love him, but if you have anger towards him, feel any guilt or hurt, or have felt rejected by him in anyway. [Keep this letter private and do not send it.]
Write a list of all the upsetting or traumatic experiences you experienced up to the age of 15. Then write a 2-3 page summary account of each separate experience, expressing to God how you feel deep inside.
Write a list of all the upsetting or traumatic experiences you experienced after the age of 15. Then write a 2-3 page summary account of each separate experience, expressing to God how you feel deep inside.
Do you feel rejected by anyone in your family? Write a 2-3 page letter to each person in your family who you feel has rejected you and let them know how you feel. [Those at higher risk of cancer tend to develop feelings of loneliness as a result of having been deprived affection and acceptance earlier in life, even if this is merely their own perception. Note: Keep each letter private and do not send.]
Write a list of anyone you hate or feel angry towards and your reasons why. Then write a 2-3 page letter to each person, telling them why you feel anger or hatred towards them and how they have hurt you in your life. [Cancer is most commonly caused by repressed feelings of anger, hate and resentment.]
Write a 2-5 page summary account, expressing to God why you feel sad, lonely or hopeless in your life. [Cancer is commonly caused by repressed feelings of grief and feelings of hopelessness and despair.]
Cancer is sometimes caused by chronic guilt and an internal need for punishment that shows up in the body as severe bodily pain. Write a 2-3 page letter to each person you feel you have hurt or let down in your life, including a letter to God (if you feel you have let God down). In each letter explain why you did what you did, or why you feel like you are a bad person, and why you feel you should be punished.
Write a list of experiences you fear. Then write a 2-3 page letter to God relating to each experience, expressing your deepest fears and concerns and why you feel you could not cope. [Cancer is a stress-related dis-ease, and stress is built upon the energy of fear. Facing your fears is key to your healing.]
Write a 5 page letter to God expressing how you really feel about having cancer. This is an important letter. Be open and honest, and don't censor how you really feel deep down inside. [God already knows!]
Write a 5 page summary account relating to the psycho-emotional "trigger event" that has caused cancer to develop in your body, which has typically occurred 18-24 months prior to the diagnosis. [This trigger event is usually a highly charged traumatic event or period of your life preceding the onset of cancer, and is nearly always related in energy and theme to earlier life experiences, in order that you may face the underlying unhealed energy of the past.] In your account, express to God all the reasons why you feel or believe this trigger event has caused cancer in your body. Below is a list of psycho-emotional conflicts Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer proposes is the "trigger event" for each different type of cancer in the body.
ADRENAL CORTEX: Wrong Direction. Gone Astray
BLADDER: Ugly Conflict. Dirty Tricks
BONE: Lack of Self Worth. Inferiority Feeling
BRAIN TUMOR: Stubbornness. Refusing to Change Old Patterns. Mental Frustration [Dr Hamer does not propose a conflict for brain tumor. The above is Louise Hay's proposed cause.]
BREAST MILK GLAND: Involving Care or Disharmony
BREAST MILK DUCT: Separation Conflict
BREAST LEFT: Conflict concerning Child, Home or Mother
BREAST RIGHT: Conflict with Partner or Others
BRONCHIOLES: Territorial Conflict
CERVIX: Severe Frustration
COLON: Ugly Indigestible Conflict
ESOPHAGUS: Cannot Have It or Swallow It
GALL BLADDER: Rivalry Conflict
HEART: Perpetual Conflict
INTESTINES: Indigestible Chunk of Anger
KIDNEYS: Not wanting to Live. Water or Fluid Conflict
LARYNX: Conflict of Fear and Fright
LIVER: Fear of Starvation
LUNGS: Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else
LYMPH GLANDS: Loss of Self-Worth
MELANOMA: Feeling Dirty, Soiled, Defiled
MIDDLE EAR: Not being able to get some Vital Information
MOUTH: Cannot Chew It or Hold It
PANCREAS: Anxiety-Anger Conflict with Family Members. Inheritance
PROSTATE: Ugly Conflict with Sexual Connotations
RECTUM: Fear of Being Useless
SKIN: Loss of Integrity
SPLEEN: Shock of being Physically/Emotionally Wounded
STOMACH: Indigestible Anger. Swallowed Too Much
THYROID: Feeling Powerless
TUMOR: Nursing Old Hurts and Shocks. Building Remorse [Dr Hamer does not propose a conflict for tumor. The above is Louise Hay's proposed cause.]
UTERUS: Sexual Conflict
ADRENAL CORTEX: Wrong Direction. Gone Astray
BLADDER: Ugly Conflict. Dirty Tricks
BONE: Lack of Self Worth. Inferiority Feeling
BRAIN TUMOR: Stubbornness. Refusing to Change Old Patterns. Mental Frustration [Dr Hamer does not propose a conflict for brain tumor. The above is Louise Hay's proposed cause.]
BREAST MILK GLAND: Involving Care or Disharmony
BREAST MILK DUCT: Separation Conflict
BREAST LEFT: Conflict concerning Child, Home or Mother
BREAST RIGHT: Conflict with Partner or Others
BRONCHIOLES: Territorial Conflict
CERVIX: Severe Frustration
COLON: Ugly Indigestible Conflict
ESOPHAGUS: Cannot Have It or Swallow It
GALL BLADDER: Rivalry Conflict
HEART: Perpetual Conflict
INTESTINES: Indigestible Chunk of Anger
KIDNEYS: Not wanting to Live. Water or Fluid Conflict
LARYNX: Conflict of Fear and Fright
LIVER: Fear of Starvation
LUNGS: Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else
LYMPH GLANDS: Loss of Self-Worth
MELANOMA: Feeling Dirty, Soiled, Defiled
MIDDLE EAR: Not being able to get some Vital Information
MOUTH: Cannot Chew It or Hold It
PANCREAS: Anxiety-Anger Conflict with Family Members. Inheritance
PROSTATE: Ugly Conflict with Sexual Connotations
RECTUM: Fear of Being Useless
SKIN: Loss of Integrity
SPLEEN: Shock of being Physically/Emotionally Wounded
STOMACH: Indigestible Anger. Swallowed Too Much
THYROID: Feeling Powerless
TUMOR: Nursing Old Hurts and Shocks. Building Remorse [Dr Hamer does not propose a conflict for tumor. The above is Louise Hay's proposed cause.]
UTERUS: Sexual Conflict
As revealed by the Holy Spirit of God, cancer is caused by a subconscious wanting to "exit life", where the person with cancer feels overwhelmed by the trauma and pain of life, and deep down has lost the will to live. While it is natural for you to want to go on living, focus on that part of yourself that is tired of life and feels life has no more joy or purpose; where there may even be a secret wish that you didn't have to endure such a hard life. This is the time to be completely honest and express these feelings on paper. Write a 5-10 page letter to God explaining why you do not want to be here on Earth anymore. [Note: Expressing your feelings in this way will not manifest the end of your life. The opposite is true! Only by evaluating the subconscious death wish on paper honestly, will you bring truth and healing to this part of your mind that simply wants relief. Remember, only when you face your fears will you overcome them.]
What is the number 1 thing you want for YOU in your life? What do you really wish your life would be like? And what would you like to remove from your life that is causing stress, making you feel tired of life, and depleting your will to live? Only you are holding you back from living a life filled with joy and purpose. Nobody else is, even if you imagine others are. If they truly love you, they will support you in helping you manifest your dream life. Write a 5-10 page letter to God, explaining what you would like your life to be like and why you deserve it. [Note: It is typical of the cancer personality to put the needs of others first and ignore their own needs and inner desires. In researching hundreds of late stage 'miracle' cancer survivors, cancer researcher Lothar Hirneise found 100% of all survivors had made dramatic "systems" changes in their life and removed from their life anything or anyone that was causing them dis-ease."
To reverse the subconscious death wish, write a 5-10 page letter to God explaining why you want to live. Then once a week, read it out loud to affirm your resolution and determination that you now choose LIFE. You may also want to record it on tape, instead of saying it out loud, listening to it once a week or daily.
Forgiving others is a core component in healing cancer. However, before you can truly forgive, you must first express how you are feeling inside. Write a list of everyone you feel you have not forgiven (including those you have previously written letters to). Then write a 2-3 page letter to each person and explain why you are unable to forgive them. Keep writing them a letter once a week until you feel you have no more anger or hate in your heart. [Dr Bernie Seigel, Clinical Professor of Surgery, Yale Medical School: "I have collected 57 extremely well documented so-called cancer miracles. At a certain particular moment in time they decided that the anger and the depression were probably not the best way to go, since they had such little time left. And so they went from that to being loving, caring, no longer angry, no longer depressed, and able to talk to the people they loved. These 57 people had the same pattern. They gave up, totally, their anger, and they gave up, totally, their depression, by specifically a decision to do so. And at that point the tumours started to shrink."]
"When I suggest emotional healing to people with cancer, they always misunderstand me. They hear it as emotional support. They think I either just want to comfort them, or show them how to have a more positive attitude. They don't get that something like forgiveness might be the key to their getting well. I see their eyes glaze over when I go on to say that emotional toxicity is most likely the cause of their cancer, and that forgiveness, if used with appropriate treatments and lifestyle changes that address the physical, is a 'first-line' primary treatment. Their inability to hear this as a strategy for survival, is a measure of how brainwashed we all are into thinking that treatment for cancer must always be harsh, drastic and violent. With our War-on-Cancer mind-set, it's hard to imagine that something so seemingly soft and gentle as forgiveness could be the answer to our problem. Anne came to one my workshops. She had been given, at most, three months to live. She was depressed and had little life force left in her. She only came because her church had collected money for her. On the third day she recalled an event involving her old sister, that occurred when she was 2-1/2 years old that had made her believe that she was utterly worthless. When she realized how much of her life she had lived according to that belief she began to feel angry. She beat cushions with a bat until she was exhausted, did some art therapy and then a breathwork session. The next day, she did some forgiveness worksheets around her sister and her husband. By the time she left, her life force had returned, and she was all fired up to find an alternative program that would help her beat the doctor's prognosis. After two weeks of frantically searching for something, she realized that her healing would come through prayer. So, she worked with a couple who literally prayed with her for a week. Upon her return, she went to her oncologist who examined her. These were his words. 'I don't know how to explain this, but you have absolutely no cancer in your body. I could say it was a spontaneous remission, but I believe in God and I am not willing to describe it in any other way than as a miracle'. This woman serves as a wonderful example of how raising the vibration through Radical Forgiveness and prayer reversed the seemingly hopeless physical condition in days rather than years." [Colin Tipping, Institute of Radical Forgiveness] []
The spiritual books "Love without Conditions" by Paul Ferrini and "A Course in Miracles" are centred on the principles of learning forgiveness.
"When I suggest emotional healing to people with cancer, they always misunderstand me. They hear it as emotional support. They think I either just want to comfort them, or show them how to have a more positive attitude. They don't get that something like forgiveness might be the key to their getting well. I see their eyes glaze over when I go on to say that emotional toxicity is most likely the cause of their cancer, and that forgiveness, if used with appropriate treatments and lifestyle changes that address the physical, is a 'first-line' primary treatment. Their inability to hear this as a strategy for survival, is a measure of how brainwashed we all are into thinking that treatment for cancer must always be harsh, drastic and violent. With our War-on-Cancer mind-set, it's hard to imagine that something so seemingly soft and gentle as forgiveness could be the answer to our problem. Anne came to one my workshops. She had been given, at most, three months to live. She was depressed and had little life force left in her. She only came because her church had collected money for her. On the third day she recalled an event involving her old sister, that occurred when she was 2-1/2 years old that had made her believe that she was utterly worthless. When she realized how much of her life she had lived according to that belief she began to feel angry. She beat cushions with a bat until she was exhausted, did some art therapy and then a breathwork session. The next day, she did some forgiveness worksheets around her sister and her husband. By the time she left, her life force had returned, and she was all fired up to find an alternative program that would help her beat the doctor's prognosis. After two weeks of frantically searching for something, she realized that her healing would come through prayer. So, she worked with a couple who literally prayed with her for a week. Upon her return, she went to her oncologist who examined her. These were his words. 'I don't know how to explain this, but you have absolutely no cancer in your body. I could say it was a spontaneous remission, but I believe in God and I am not willing to describe it in any other way than as a miracle'. This woman serves as a wonderful example of how raising the vibration through Radical Forgiveness and prayer reversed the seemingly hopeless physical condition in days rather than years." [Colin Tipping, Institute of Radical Forgiveness] []
The spiritual books "Love without Conditions" by Paul Ferrini and "A Course in Miracles" are centred on the principles of learning forgiveness.