Psycho-Oncology: Discover How Stress Causes Cancer
Phase 1 of Cancer: Inescapable Shock
Phase 2 of Cancer: Adrenaline Depletion
Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus
Phase 4 of Cancer: Niacin Deficiency
Phase 5 of Cancer: Vitamin C Depletion
Phase 6 of Cancer: Immune Suppression
Ozone Therapy is a special form of oxygen used to kill and stunt the growth of cancer cells. Oxygen usually prefers to come in pairs: O2. However, oxygen occasionally comes as a triad: O3. O3 is looking for an opportunity to become O2 plus singlet oxygen (O). When this happens, singlet oxygen, O, combines with another singlet oxygen and forms O2 again. If no singlet oxygen is available, O combines with other surrounding molecules. This is called "oxidation", and this form of cancer oxygen is particularly hard on cancer cells, killing some outright and stunting the growth of others. Ozone is administered rectally, intravenously and into the ear canal allowing ozone to absorb through the ear drum. Ozonated water can also be ingested internally, however should not be used by those with lung cancer or lung disease.
There are some who fear ozone therapy is unsafe. In January 1980 the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy commissioned the University Kilnikum Giessen and Giessen University to begin an inquiry entitled “Adverse Effects and Typical Complications In Ozone Therapy.” 2,815 questionnaires were sent to all western German ozone therapists known by the Medical Society for Ozone Therapy. 884 went to physicians and 1931 to therapists. In may 1980, the German Medical Society had collected 1,044 replies, 37% of the total. The replies confirmed 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with 5,579,238 applications. The side effect rate observed by physicians and therapists was .000005 per application. The report stated: “The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." []
The 13 Major Effects of Ozone on the Human Body - By Dr. Frank Shallenberger. Considered one of the leading authorities on medical ozone, Dr. Shallenberger has done important work to support the hypothesis that ozone can have long-term positive effects on AIDS. He has also conducted workshops on the proper application of medical ozone at an International Ozone Symposium. He successfully treats patients with medical ozone via Major Autohemotherapy. The thirteen physiological effects are listed below and are accompanied by a brief explanation.
1. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. Deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions). Ozone significantly raises the oxygen levels in the blood for long periods after ozone administration, as a result, allergies have a tendency to become desensitized.
2. Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins. Interferons orchestrate every aspect of the immune system. Some interferons are produced by cells infected by viruses. These interferons warn adjacent, healthy cells of the likelihood of infection; in turn, they are rendered non-permissive host cells. In other words, they inhibit viral replication. Other interferons are produced in the muscles, connective tissue and by white blood cells. Lelves of gamma interferon can be elevated 400-900% by ozone. This interferon is involved in the control of phagocytic cells that engulf and kill pathogens and abnormal cells. Interferons are FDA approved for the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B and C, Genital Warts (caused by Papillomavirus, Hairy-cell Leukemia, Karposi's Sarcoma, Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Scleroris and Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Interferons are currently in clinical trials for Throat Warts (caused by Papillomavirus), HIV infection, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Colon tumors, Kidney tumors, Bladder Cancer, Malignant Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Leishmaniasis. While levels induced by ozone remain safe, interferon levels that are FDA approved (and in clinical trial) are extremely toxic.
3. Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing. The greater the mass of the tumor the more tumor necrosis factor is produced (up to a point). When a tumor has turned metastatic, cancer cells are breaking off and being carried away by the blood and lymph. This allows the tumor to take up residence elsewhere in the body; or in other words, divide its forces. These lone cancer cells have little chance of growing due to the TNF produced to inhibit the original tumor. When the tumor is removed surgically TNF levels drop dramatically and new tumors emerge from seemingly healthy tissue.
4. Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interluekin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system. It is secreted by T-helpers. In a process known as autostimulation, the IL-2 then binds to a receptor on the T-helper and causes it to produce more IL-2. Its main duty is to induce lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate, yielding more T-helpers, T-suppressors, cytotoxic T’s, T-delayed’s and T-memory cells.
5. Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-seventeenth as efficient as our own. Because of this, most cannot afford to produce disposable anti-oxidant enzymes such as catalase. Very few types of bacteria can live in an environment composed of more than two percent ozone.
6. Ozone is effective against all types of fungi. This includes systemic Candida albicans, athletes foot, moulds, mildews, yeasts and even mushrooms.
7. Ozone fights viruses in a variety of ways. As discussed above, ozone also goes after the viral particles directly. The part of the virus most sensitive to oxidation is the “reproductive structure”. This is how the virions enter the cell. With this structure inactivated, the virus is essentially “dead”. Cells already infected have a natural weakness to ozone. Due to the metabolic burden of the infection the cells can no longer produce the enzymes necessary to deal with the ozone and repair the cell.
8. Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly dividing cells and are inhibited by ozone.
9. Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque. It breaks down the nnnn plaque involved in both Arteriosclerosis and Arthrosclerosis. This means ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of large and even smaller vessels. This allows for better tissue oxygenation in deficient organs.
10. Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells. When one views a red blood cell under a microscope, it looks like a disc. In the capillaries, where they pick-up (lungs) and release (tissue) oxygen, these discs stretch out into the shape of an oval or umbrella. This aids their passage through the tiny vessels and makes the exchange of gas more efficient. The increase in flexibility of the RBC’s allows oxygen levels to stay elevated for days, even weeks after treatment with ozone.
11. Ozone accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle. Also known as the Krebs Cycle or TCA Cycle, this is a very important step in the glycolysis of carbohydrate for energy. This takes place in the mitochonria of the cell. Most of the energy stored in glucose (sugar) is converted in this pathway.
12. Ozone makes the anti-oxidant enzyme system more efficient.
13. Ozone degrades petrochemicals. These chemicals have a potential to place a great burden on the immune system. They also worsen and even cause allergies and are detrimental to your long-term health.
1. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. Deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions). Ozone significantly raises the oxygen levels in the blood for long periods after ozone administration, as a result, allergies have a tendency to become desensitized.
2. Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins. Interferons orchestrate every aspect of the immune system. Some interferons are produced by cells infected by viruses. These interferons warn adjacent, healthy cells of the likelihood of infection; in turn, they are rendered non-permissive host cells. In other words, they inhibit viral replication. Other interferons are produced in the muscles, connective tissue and by white blood cells. Lelves of gamma interferon can be elevated 400-900% by ozone. This interferon is involved in the control of phagocytic cells that engulf and kill pathogens and abnormal cells. Interferons are FDA approved for the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B and C, Genital Warts (caused by Papillomavirus, Hairy-cell Leukemia, Karposi's Sarcoma, Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Scleroris and Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Interferons are currently in clinical trials for Throat Warts (caused by Papillomavirus), HIV infection, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Colon tumors, Kidney tumors, Bladder Cancer, Malignant Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Leishmaniasis. While levels induced by ozone remain safe, interferon levels that are FDA approved (and in clinical trial) are extremely toxic.
3. Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing. The greater the mass of the tumor the more tumor necrosis factor is produced (up to a point). When a tumor has turned metastatic, cancer cells are breaking off and being carried away by the blood and lymph. This allows the tumor to take up residence elsewhere in the body; or in other words, divide its forces. These lone cancer cells have little chance of growing due to the TNF produced to inhibit the original tumor. When the tumor is removed surgically TNF levels drop dramatically and new tumors emerge from seemingly healthy tissue.
4. Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interluekin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system. It is secreted by T-helpers. In a process known as autostimulation, the IL-2 then binds to a receptor on the T-helper and causes it to produce more IL-2. Its main duty is to induce lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate, yielding more T-helpers, T-suppressors, cytotoxic T’s, T-delayed’s and T-memory cells.
5. Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-seventeenth as efficient as our own. Because of this, most cannot afford to produce disposable anti-oxidant enzymes such as catalase. Very few types of bacteria can live in an environment composed of more than two percent ozone.
6. Ozone is effective against all types of fungi. This includes systemic Candida albicans, athletes foot, moulds, mildews, yeasts and even mushrooms.
7. Ozone fights viruses in a variety of ways. As discussed above, ozone also goes after the viral particles directly. The part of the virus most sensitive to oxidation is the “reproductive structure”. This is how the virions enter the cell. With this structure inactivated, the virus is essentially “dead”. Cells already infected have a natural weakness to ozone. Due to the metabolic burden of the infection the cells can no longer produce the enzymes necessary to deal with the ozone and repair the cell.
8. Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly dividing cells and are inhibited by ozone.
9. Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque. It breaks down the nnnn plaque involved in both Arteriosclerosis and Arthrosclerosis. This means ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of large and even smaller vessels. This allows for better tissue oxygenation in deficient organs.
10. Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells. When one views a red blood cell under a microscope, it looks like a disc. In the capillaries, where they pick-up (lungs) and release (tissue) oxygen, these discs stretch out into the shape of an oval or umbrella. This aids their passage through the tiny vessels and makes the exchange of gas more efficient. The increase in flexibility of the RBC’s allows oxygen levels to stay elevated for days, even weeks after treatment with ozone.
11. Ozone accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle. Also known as the Krebs Cycle or TCA Cycle, this is a very important step in the glycolysis of carbohydrate for energy. This takes place in the mitochonria of the cell. Most of the energy stored in glucose (sugar) is converted in this pathway.
12. Ozone makes the anti-oxidant enzyme system more efficient.
13. Ozone degrades petrochemicals. These chemicals have a potential to place a great burden on the immune system. They also worsen and even cause allergies and are detrimental to your long-term health.
By Ed McCabe. [Ed McCabe has been investigating, teaching and publishing about oxygen therapies for 12 years. He is the author of Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease.] "The first thing to keep in mind is that not all ozone treatment is the same, and the effectiveness of any ozone treatment increases with the number of times it is given per day or week, the strength of the concentrations used, the quantities applied, and the delivery methods used. For example, 50 ccs of ozonated blood re-injected into you in a clinic every other week is nowhere near as effective as drinking ozonated water at home every day. Quantity, concentration and frequency are the keys. The aim is to safely and comfortably flood the body with oxygen by slowly building it up as you detoxify.
General guidelines: For best results during the treatment phase, ozone is applied once or twice daily, or perhaps every other day, in concentrations varying from I to 80 micrograms per cubic millilitre (mcg/ml3), in as great a quantity as can be safely and comfortably absorbed by the body. This is continued for as long as it takes, until the problems go away. Mild diseases may take a few treatments; chronic ones, several months. Very weak ozone concentrations of less than 0.05 parts per million by volume of air are commonly and safely inhaled during normal activities by hundreds of thousands of people; in fact, I'm doing it as I am writing this. Ozone air purifiers are very common, but this is a separate discussion. The lower concentrations and quantities of ozone will aid healing and stimulate the immune system slightly, but these are usually ignored in favour of the real power of medical ozone, which is found to be generally centred around daily applications of 27 mcg/mI for internal work. Higher concentrations are used for external bodywork. The upper range tops out at around 70 mcg/ml3, and beyond that is controversial. These concentrations are never allowed to enter the lungs, which are too sensitive for anything other than concentrations around normal air levels of ozone or slightly higher. I have interviewed hundreds of doctors, and thousands of patients using cancer oxygen therapy. Here are the three top clinical ozone delivery methods used worldwide, and my ranking of them, the most effective one listed first. These are for seriously Ill people. Please only seek out an experienced and competently trained ozone therapist professional if you pursue them. Ozone has many subtleties, and a lot of M.D.'s may act knowledgeable but have little idea what ozone is all about.
Recirculatory autohemo perfusion: Also known as polyatomic apheresis, recirculatory autohemo perfusion is the creme de la creme of ozone delivery. Dirty, dark, diseased blood is taken out of one arm and ozonated with 27 mcg/ m13 ozone, and filtered, outside the body. Then the remaining clean, bright red, freshly sterilized and oxygenated blood is put back into the other arm. It's a complete body blood wash, highly effective in all ailments because the ozone-oxidized leftover garbage of dead microbes, diseased cells and detoxified by-products drops out of the blood into the external filters. The waste products are not sent back through the liver, kidney and lymph systems to irritate and perhaps weaken the body further. All other methods are handicapped by comparison. This method is so good that the medical industrial complex immediately shuts down any attempts to test it, in any country. I knew of one dying patient who, during the first treatment, got up off the stretcher and walked out after just a few hours of this treatment.
IV slow injections of the 03 gas: No air with its non-absorbable nitrogen, just pure medical grade oxygen turned into medical grade ozone, which is injected through butterfly needles at a rate of I cc per minute into the blood, once or twice daily. Ten-cc syringes filled with 27mcg/ml3 ozone are used, one at a time, and refilled as needed, until you begin to get a chest, or throat, tickle or cough. When the body thus indicates it is full to overflowing, you stop the injection immediately. For safety, direct IV's are only given to patients who are lying completely flat before, during and after treatment, so the cancer oxygen "ozone" is slowly and evenly distributed throughout the body. This was the most advanced and aggressive method around until the recirculatory autohemo perfusion came along, and is far more effective than autohemotherapy (see below). It is cheaper than both, due to using less equipment. Direct IV ozone is very effective, but its not found very often because the Germans-and the Americans who learn from them-are reluctant to use direct IV work due to habit and in some cases their investment in the machines they already have.
Autohemotherapy: This involves withdrawing approximately 600 ml of blood and re-infusing it into the body after gently putting 27mcg/ml3 ozone into It. Fifty years of safe use on millions of patients has a lot of weight. The drawback to its real effectiveness is that it is usually given only once or twice a week, because the patients can only afford that many treatments. If doctors would switch to direct IV, the patients would pay the same but triple their bang for their bucks."
General guidelines: For best results during the treatment phase, ozone is applied once or twice daily, or perhaps every other day, in concentrations varying from I to 80 micrograms per cubic millilitre (mcg/ml3), in as great a quantity as can be safely and comfortably absorbed by the body. This is continued for as long as it takes, until the problems go away. Mild diseases may take a few treatments; chronic ones, several months. Very weak ozone concentrations of less than 0.05 parts per million by volume of air are commonly and safely inhaled during normal activities by hundreds of thousands of people; in fact, I'm doing it as I am writing this. Ozone air purifiers are very common, but this is a separate discussion. The lower concentrations and quantities of ozone will aid healing and stimulate the immune system slightly, but these are usually ignored in favour of the real power of medical ozone, which is found to be generally centred around daily applications of 27 mcg/mI for internal work. Higher concentrations are used for external bodywork. The upper range tops out at around 70 mcg/ml3, and beyond that is controversial. These concentrations are never allowed to enter the lungs, which are too sensitive for anything other than concentrations around normal air levels of ozone or slightly higher. I have interviewed hundreds of doctors, and thousands of patients using cancer oxygen therapy. Here are the three top clinical ozone delivery methods used worldwide, and my ranking of them, the most effective one listed first. These are for seriously Ill people. Please only seek out an experienced and competently trained ozone therapist professional if you pursue them. Ozone has many subtleties, and a lot of M.D.'s may act knowledgeable but have little idea what ozone is all about.
Recirculatory autohemo perfusion: Also known as polyatomic apheresis, recirculatory autohemo perfusion is the creme de la creme of ozone delivery. Dirty, dark, diseased blood is taken out of one arm and ozonated with 27 mcg/ m13 ozone, and filtered, outside the body. Then the remaining clean, bright red, freshly sterilized and oxygenated blood is put back into the other arm. It's a complete body blood wash, highly effective in all ailments because the ozone-oxidized leftover garbage of dead microbes, diseased cells and detoxified by-products drops out of the blood into the external filters. The waste products are not sent back through the liver, kidney and lymph systems to irritate and perhaps weaken the body further. All other methods are handicapped by comparison. This method is so good that the medical industrial complex immediately shuts down any attempts to test it, in any country. I knew of one dying patient who, during the first treatment, got up off the stretcher and walked out after just a few hours of this treatment.
IV slow injections of the 03 gas: No air with its non-absorbable nitrogen, just pure medical grade oxygen turned into medical grade ozone, which is injected through butterfly needles at a rate of I cc per minute into the blood, once or twice daily. Ten-cc syringes filled with 27mcg/ml3 ozone are used, one at a time, and refilled as needed, until you begin to get a chest, or throat, tickle or cough. When the body thus indicates it is full to overflowing, you stop the injection immediately. For safety, direct IV's are only given to patients who are lying completely flat before, during and after treatment, so the cancer oxygen "ozone" is slowly and evenly distributed throughout the body. This was the most advanced and aggressive method around until the recirculatory autohemo perfusion came along, and is far more effective than autohemotherapy (see below). It is cheaper than both, due to using less equipment. Direct IV ozone is very effective, but its not found very often because the Germans-and the Americans who learn from them-are reluctant to use direct IV work due to habit and in some cases their investment in the machines they already have.
Autohemotherapy: This involves withdrawing approximately 600 ml of blood and re-infusing it into the body after gently putting 27mcg/ml3 ozone into It. Fifty years of safe use on millions of patients has a lot of weight. The drawback to its real effectiveness is that it is usually given only once or twice a week, because the patients can only afford that many treatments. If doctors would switch to direct IV, the patients would pay the same but triple their bang for their bucks."
As described by Ed McCabe above, the drinking of ozonated water on a daily basis is an effective option for oxygenating the body's cells to protect against cancer. Only those with lung cancer or lung congestion should avoid it as it can worsen lung congestion. Ozonated water will help support and aid the body's cells during chemotherapy and radiation as it is a superb detoxifier, removing toxins from the body and increases immune system function. According to Dr. Contreras of the Oasis of Hope Hospital, "oxygen is needed for chemotherapy to work properly, and oxygenated blood through ozone produces hydrogen peroxide promoting apoptosis (cancer cell death)". It is recommended you purchase a $300 home-grade ozonator and only use ice cold spring water, not tap water and drink one glass per day. The water should only come in contact with glass, not plastic. For this reason ozonate spring water in a glass jug, using a glass tube, and drink from a glass. The water should be ozonated for 6-10 minutes and then drunk immediately within 20 minutes of oxygenation. The below video details the experience of one man's wife surviving terminal chemo-resistant cancer using ozonated water.
1. In a study conducted by Washington University, researchers found ozone inhibited cancer cell growth. "The growth of human cancer cells from lung, breast, and uterine tumors was selectively inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by ozone at 0.3 to 0.8 part per million of ozone in ambient air during 8 days of culture. The presence of ozone at 0.3 to 0.5 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth 40 and 60 percent, respectively. The noncancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. Exposure to ozone at 0.8 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth more than 90 percent and control cell growth less than 50 percent. Evidently, the mechanisms for defense against ozone damage are impaired in human cancer cells." []
2. In a study conducted by the Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research, Spain, researchers treated 7 patients [who presented with the more advanced head and neck tumors] with ozone therapy and the remaining 12 patients [with less advanced tumors] with chemotherapy and found the 7 patients treated with ozone therapy lived on average 2 months longer than the 12 patients treated with chemotherapy. "Advanced head and neck (H&N) tumors have a poor prognosis, and this is worsened by the occurrence of hypoxia and ischemia in the tumors. Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical effect of ozonetherapy in patients with advanced H&N cancer in the course of their scheduled radiotherapy. Over a period of 3 years, 19 patients with advanced H&N tumors who were undergoing treatment in our department with non-standard fractionated radiotherapy plus oral tegafur. A group of 12 patients was additionally treated with intravenous chemotherapy before and/or during radiotherapy. In the other group of seven patients, systemic ozonetherapy was administered twice weekly during radiotherapy. The ozonetherapy group was older (64 versus 54 years old), with a higher percentage of lymph node involvement (71% versus 8%, P = 0.019) and with a trend to more unfavorable tumor stage (57% versus 8% IVb + IVc stages, P = 0.073). However, there was no significant difference in overall survival between the chemotherapy (median 6 months) and ozonetherapy (8 months) groups. Although these results have to be viewed with caution because of the limited number of patients, they suggest that ozonetherapy could have had some positive effect during the treatment of our patients with advanced H&N tumors. []
3. In a study conducted by Veterinary Services and Laboratory Animal Medicine, Philipps University Marburg, Germany, researchers found ozone therapy resulted in a complete remission in rabbits with squamous cell carcinomas. "Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) represent a group of metastasizing tumors with a high mortality rate in man and animals. Since the biomolecule ozone was found to inhibit growth of various carcinoma cells in vitro we here applied the highly aggressive and lethal VX2 carcinoma HNSCC tumor model of the New Zealand White rabbit to test whether ozone exerts antitumorous effects in vivo. Therapeutic insufflation of medical ozone/oxygen (O(3)/O(2)) gas mixture into the peritoneum (O(3)/O(2)-pneumoperitoneum) at an advanced stage of tumor disease led to a survival rate of 7/14 rabbits. Six of the seven surviving rabbits presented full tumor regression and the absence of local or distant lung metastases. Insufflation of pure oxygen (O(2)) resulted in a survival rate of 3/13 animals accompanied by full tumor remission in 2 of the 3 surviving animals. Of the 14 sham-treated animals only 1 had spontaneous tumor remission and survived. No adverse effects or changes in standard blood parameters were observed after repeated intraperitoneal insufflations of the O(3)/O(2) or O(2) gas. Animals with O(3)/O(2)-induced tumor eradication developed tolerance against reimplantation of the VX2 tumor. This could be reversed by immune suppression with a combination of dexamethasone and cyclosporin A suggesting an antitumorous effect of O(3)/O(2)-mediated activation of the body's own immunosurveillance." []
2. In a study conducted by the Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research, Spain, researchers treated 7 patients [who presented with the more advanced head and neck tumors] with ozone therapy and the remaining 12 patients [with less advanced tumors] with chemotherapy and found the 7 patients treated with ozone therapy lived on average 2 months longer than the 12 patients treated with chemotherapy. "Advanced head and neck (H&N) tumors have a poor prognosis, and this is worsened by the occurrence of hypoxia and ischemia in the tumors. Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical effect of ozonetherapy in patients with advanced H&N cancer in the course of their scheduled radiotherapy. Over a period of 3 years, 19 patients with advanced H&N tumors who were undergoing treatment in our department with non-standard fractionated radiotherapy plus oral tegafur. A group of 12 patients was additionally treated with intravenous chemotherapy before and/or during radiotherapy. In the other group of seven patients, systemic ozonetherapy was administered twice weekly during radiotherapy. The ozonetherapy group was older (64 versus 54 years old), with a higher percentage of lymph node involvement (71% versus 8%, P = 0.019) and with a trend to more unfavorable tumor stage (57% versus 8% IVb + IVc stages, P = 0.073). However, there was no significant difference in overall survival between the chemotherapy (median 6 months) and ozonetherapy (8 months) groups. Although these results have to be viewed with caution because of the limited number of patients, they suggest that ozonetherapy could have had some positive effect during the treatment of our patients with advanced H&N tumors. []
3. In a study conducted by Veterinary Services and Laboratory Animal Medicine, Philipps University Marburg, Germany, researchers found ozone therapy resulted in a complete remission in rabbits with squamous cell carcinomas. "Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) represent a group of metastasizing tumors with a high mortality rate in man and animals. Since the biomolecule ozone was found to inhibit growth of various carcinoma cells in vitro we here applied the highly aggressive and lethal VX2 carcinoma HNSCC tumor model of the New Zealand White rabbit to test whether ozone exerts antitumorous effects in vivo. Therapeutic insufflation of medical ozone/oxygen (O(3)/O(2)) gas mixture into the peritoneum (O(3)/O(2)-pneumoperitoneum) at an advanced stage of tumor disease led to a survival rate of 7/14 rabbits. Six of the seven surviving rabbits presented full tumor regression and the absence of local or distant lung metastases. Insufflation of pure oxygen (O(2)) resulted in a survival rate of 3/13 animals accompanied by full tumor remission in 2 of the 3 surviving animals. Of the 14 sham-treated animals only 1 had spontaneous tumor remission and survived. No adverse effects or changes in standard blood parameters were observed after repeated intraperitoneal insufflations of the O(3)/O(2) or O(2) gas. Animals with O(3)/O(2)-induced tumor eradication developed tolerance against reimplantation of the VX2 tumor. This could be reversed by immune suppression with a combination of dexamethasone and cyclosporin A suggesting an antitumorous effect of O(3)/O(2)-mediated activation of the body's own immunosurveillance." []